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Superintendent Scott Elder with Inez students
Inez is a Community School!

Community Schools develop and strengthen partnerships between schools and the communities they serve.

Community School


Our Vision: Inez Science & Technology Community school will promote a curiosity for lifelong learning where everyone will be known, safe, empowered, and inspired to demonstrate integrity, perseverance, and respect.


Inez Elementary School
Welcome to Inez Magnet School!

Find our map, contact information, and drop-off/pick-up reminders.

Our School

Proud to be a community school
A Community School

A thriving hub built by and for educators, families, students, and communities, so that all:

  • are equal members of the school community
  • students excel in school and life
  • have lives filled with meaningful opportunities

Upcoming Events

Berna Facio Professional Development Center, 3315 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA

News & Announcements