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PTA Board

  • President: Hailey Heinz
  • VP: Sami Penner
  • Treasurer: Vacant
  • Secretary: Andrea Garcia

Teacher Request Form Download

Contact Information

Inez Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTA)

The #1 reason to join the Parent-Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help our school. More than 30 years of research has proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and in school. Grades are higher. Test scores rise. Self-esteem grows. Schools improve.

Our Mission

Everyone working together to create success!

Our Vision

Teamwork and respect amongst our staff, students, parents, and community.

The Inez PTA raises money to pay for supplemental educational programs at Inez, such as field trips, classroom subscriptions, the Science Expo, and many other activities and items.

Ongoing Programs & Events

  • Box Tops for Education: Don't forget to keep saving those Box Tops for Education coupons, which help schools earn cash for library supplies and equipment. Inez collects coupons in the Library and in the Parent Room. Visit the Box Tops website for more information.
  • Smith's Fresh Value Card: Earn money for Inez while you shop at Smith's. Pick up a flyer from the Parent Room and link it to your Fresh Values Card (available at Smith's grocery stores). Smith's will donate a percentage of all grocery sales back to Inez.

For more information on fundraising, school involvement, calendar of events, PTA information and much more, be sure to check out our website, or find us on Facebook. Thank you for supporting the Inez Elementary School PTA!